Best Dentures Christchurch - Dental Implants and Partial Denture Repair


Regardless of the dental condition, you may find yourself in need of dentures at one point in your life. It is essential to have excellent oral hygiene so that you can look and feel your best. The Best Dentures Christchurch clinics will use advanced techniques and technology to create your dentures. If you are in need of dentures, Merivale Denture Clinic Christchurch is a top option for you. The clinic's chief dentist, Dr. Thomas Gu, is highly experienced in the field of removable prosthesis.

The Smile Company, founded 35 years ago, has been providing a number of cosmetic and single tooth implant solutions to local residents and tourists. The dentists are highly experienced and educated and provide comfortable treatment. They also use 3D X-ray technology to show their patients exactly what they'll look like with dentures. Smile: Design also offers dental implants that perfectly match natural teeth and improve your appearance. These dental implants can improve your oral health and boost your self-esteem.

Partial dentures are another popular option for missing teeth. They replace one or two teeth and are attached to a metal plate. Metal clasps clip onto natural teeth nearby. Partial dentures can be either full or partial. Partial dentures are often placed on the lower or upper jaw. They are often more affordable than complete dentures and are less natural-looking. For this reason, you should seek treatment from a dentist who specializes in dentures before choosing this option.



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